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Minimum requirements
- UNIX-like operating system: all Linux varieties, MacOS, Solaris
MS-Windows: Linux/Unix emulator or virtual machine,
we recommend Vbox (free) or VMware (paid)
Additional requirements for GUIs
- Tcl/Tk version 8.6 or higher; for MacOS use the Homebrew package installer, helpful hints on the Homebrew install can be found here
Additional requirements for source installation
- Fortran 90 compiler or other Fortran compiler with backward compatibility. We recommend gfortran, most recent version of your OS, which is free and available on many platforms.
- MacOS: Xcode (free in the AppStore) including Line Command Tools.
Optional installations
- MacOS: Xquartz or X11 for runtime plots with xmgrace or qtgrace.
- 2D plotting tools xmgrace or qtgrace which are supported for runtime plots.
- ImageMagick for image conversions.