
CONUSS logo The CONUSS (COherent NUclear Scattering by Single crystals) software is a scientific application to calculate nuclear resonant scattering spectra and fit relevant parameters to experimental data obtained using Synchrotron Mössbauer Spectroscopy, conventional Mössbauer Spectroscopy, nuclear Bragg/Laue scattering, and grazing incidence nuclear reflection.

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PHOENIX logo The PHOENIX (PHOnon Excitation by Nuclear Inelastic X-ray scattering) software is a scientific application to evaluate and analyze experimental data obtained using the technique of Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (NRIXS).

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MINUTI logo The MINUTI (MINeral physics UTIlities) software was designed to address needs of mineral physicists. The scientific applications are: calculation and fitting of experimental p-V-T data to a thermal and/or spin equation of state; calculation of sound velocities including spatial averages from elastic constants; calculation and fitting of melting spectra from nuclear resonant forward scattering; linear mixing of mineral properties; background subtraction for large XRD data sets.

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