
A patch of the PHOENIX program package was released today.

— GUI,fixed: in some cases an uninitialized variable prevents GUI start.

An update of the CONUSS program package with one important enhancements was released today.

— GUI, added: Tcl-Tk version 9 compatibility.

An update of the PHOENIX program package with enhancements was released today.

— GUI, added: Tcl-Tk version 9 compatibility;
— GUI, added: plot menus to emphasize, hide data;
— GUI, added: plot fonts and line color selections;
— GUI, added: phoxalyzer now works also without external viewer;
— phox, added: analysis of data with insufficient negative energy points.

An update of the MINUTI program package with enhancements was released today.

— GUI, added: Tcl-Tk version 9 compatibility;
— GUI, added: plot menus to emphasize, hide data;
— GUI, fixed: XRD pattern selection in the sfit panel;
— GUI, improved: appearance of thumbnails;
— GUI, changed: import of standard input files also imports data;
— sbck, added: import and analyze caked XRD patterns;
— sbck, added: generation of rms patterns from caked XRD input;
— seos, added: additional output for 3D simulations;
— sfit, updated: non-linearity parameter added to comb function.

A major update of the CONUSS program package was released today.

— all, added: Graphical User Interface to run CONUSS modules;
— all, updated: source code converted from static to dynamic memory allocation, i.e., array dimensions are not fixed at compile time;
— kfor, added: planar magnetic field distribution;
— kfor, updated: uniform efg angle distribution with fixed magnetic field;
— kctl, updated: improved convergence behavior;
— kgin, updated: increased calculation speed.

A major update of the CONUSS program package was released today.

— all, added: new module kdec for the deconvolution of complex-source MB data;
— all, added: support for qtgrace runtime graphics;
— all, added: automated self-test for CONUSS modules;
— all, added: formula-type parameter dependencies in material data file (requires tclsh);
— all, updated: install scripts, mca2exp script;
— all, updated: Mössbauer isotope data now based on Mössbauer data base;
— all, updated: isotope data can be defined as inline file in material data files, which enables fitting of isotope parameters;
— all, updated: built-in runtime graphics (module kdsp) discontinued;
— all, updated: parameter grouping by name discontinued;
— kfor, added: local effective thickness ouput files;
— kfit, added: power spectrum output files for data, fit, and residuals;
— kfit, added: support of user-defined source profiles;
— kfit, added: image output file option for theory calculations;
— kctl, updated: improved accuracy for numerical derivatives of fit parameters.

A minor update of the MINUTI program package with enhancements was released today.

— binary package for MacOS arm64 architecture (M-type processors) now supported;
— GUI, added: sanity check on preferences;
— GUI, added: allow multiple simultaneous invocations of minuti via GUI menu option;
— seos, updated: spin EOS conversion behavior improved.

A minor update of the PHOENIX program package was released today.

— binary packages for MacOS arm64 architecture (M-type processors) and Linux now supported;
— install script, updated: the spath option now allows both, prepending and appending of directories;
— md5 and sha256 checksums for package files provided;
— GUI, added: sanity check on preferences;
— GUI, updated: window dimensions on large screens;
— GUI, fixed: project reload;
— GUI, fixed: version check fails with a syntax error;
— GUI, fixed: various stability improvements;
— padd, fixed: input GUI panel save behavior;
— phox, fixed: certain GUI panels were not updated correctly.

A minor update of the MINUTI program package with enhancements was released today.

— install script, updated: the spath option now allows both, prepending and appending of directories;
— GUI, added: sanity check on preferences;
— GUI, added: prevent multiple simultaneous invocations of minuti;
— GUI, updated: window dimensions on large screens;
— GUI, fixed: version check fails with a syntax error;
— sfit, fixed: numbers were sometimes identified as mathematical expressions for fit parameters.

A minor update of the MINUTI program package with enhancements was released today.

— GUI, fixed: internet issues could make the GUI unresponsive (the GUI checks for new versions on startup);
— sfit, added: mathematical expressions using fit parameters (requires tclsh scripting language);
— sfit, added: comb function, mostly used for calibration data;
— sfit, added: generic user-defined functions, an external script or executable calculates function values;
— sfit, fixed: data masking in the GUI failed with unsorted data.

A major update of the MINUTI program package including the new module sfit was released today.

— optional self test during install was added;
— md5 and sha256 checksums for package files provided;
— GUI, added: panel for new module sfit;
— seos, added: presets for spin-EOS electronic states;
— sfit, added: new module for general peak fitting including X-ray patterns.

A minor update of the MINUTI program package with several new features was released today.

— binary package for linux OS was added;
— Docker image is now posted at hub nrixs/minuti;
— built-in X11-based graphics (module sdsp) discontinued;
— GUI, added: run-time graphics support through GUI;
— GUI, updated: panels for seos svec, and sbck modified to streamline workflows;
— sbck, added: file names can be dragged from directory listings into stack input panel;
— seos, added: temperature dependent parameter output for 3d simulations;
— seos, added: creation of file with fit results that can be imported into simulation panel;
— seos, added: binary output format of 3d simulation arrays;
— seos, fixed: errors of quantities derived from fitted parameters were sometimes reported as too large;
— seos, fixed: transition pressure and width in 3d simulation mode sometimes incorrect.

A minor update of the PHOENIX program package was released today.

— binary package for linux OS was added;
— Docker image is now posted at hub nrixs/phoenix;
— built-in X11-based graphics (module pdsp) discontinued;
— GUI, added: run-time graphics support through GUI;
— GUI, fixed: lock-up on start if two invocations of PHOENIX were accessing the same project;
— phox, modified: GUI panel;
— psvl, added: image of likelyhood of Debye velocity fits;
— psvl, added: image of Debye velocities for all fits.

A minor update of the MINUTI program package with several new features was released today.

— GUI, updated: panels for seos svec, and sbck modified to streamline workflows;
— sbck, added: automatic choice for background refinement parameters;
— sbck, added: asymmetric polynomial fit to background function;
— sbck, added: complete quench of negative values after background subtraction;
— sbck, updated: negative values are visible in images with log-scale;
— seos, added: images for 3d simulations;
— svec, fixed: sometimes sound velocity sheets were discontinuous;
— svec, added: images of map projections of siund velocity sheets;
— svec, updated: limits on size of sound velocity sheets.

An intermediate update of the MINUTI program package with a new module, sbck, was released today.

— GUI, added: Preferences->Applications more options for custom apps;
— GUI, updated: stability of folder auto-update improved;
— GUI, updated: plots now auto-apdate after running a module;
— GUI, updated: error handling improved;
— new, added: module sbck to perform automated background subtraction for stacks of XRD 2-theta patterns;
— seos, added: choice of three Grueneisen parameter models;
— seos, added: pressure dependent error ellipses;
— seos, updated: increased array sizes for large data sets.

A minor update of the PHOENIX program package was released today.

— GUI, fixed: some users experience lock-up when switching task panel;
— phox, added: optional subtraction of preprocessed S(E) from potential contaminants.

A minor update of the PHOENIX program package was released today.

— GUI, added: more options in Preferences->Applications;
— GUI, improved: stability of folder auto-update;
— all, changed: PHOENIX modules now own their runtime graphics window;
— phox, added: generation of DOS auto-correlation function;
— phox, added: generation of time-dependent intermediate scattering function;
— phox, added: generation of powerized S(E);
— phox, changed: units of ln(beta);
— psvl, fixed: shape of the sound velocity distribution function was not fitted correctly (minor effect on results);
— psth, changed: units of ln(beta).

A minor update of the CONUSS program package was released today.

— all, fixed: unable to create pipes for run-time graphics on HFS/AFS file systems;
— all: minor fixes and improvements;
— kmix, added: user-defined intensities for multiple bunch SR time structures;
— kmix, added: absorber scan modes with time or polarization filtering;
— kfit, added: user-defined distribution functions for time/energy/thickness/angle averaging;
— kmco, added: choice of sampling box distribution function: rectangle, gaussian, exponential, U-gaussian;
— kmco, added: use of directories to organize the various output files;
— kctl, added: create input files for CONUSS modules with best-fit parameter values.

An intermediate update of the MINUTI program package with a new module, smix, was released today.

— GUI, added: "New Window" option starts a new instance of the GUI;
— GUI, added: png, jpg, tiff export from plot windows, requires GhostScript to be installed;
— GUI, updated: newly organized preference panel;
— GUI, updated: fast project search for MacOS;
— GUI, fixed: "New Project" wizzard fails to open properly;
— new, added: module smix to perform and optimize linear mixing of mineral properties;
— seos, added: spin-transition element presets;
— seos, updated: determination of spin transition pressure.

A minor update of the PHOENIX program package was released today.

— GUI: various minor fixes;
— GUI, added: png, jpg, tiff export from plot windows, requires GhostScript to be installed;
— padd, updated: the maximum number of input files was increased from 100 to 300.

A major update of the PHOENIX program package was released today: the all new PHOENIX-3 with graphical user interface.

— all, added: Tcl/Tk based GUI, app for MacOS;
— all, added: choice of output format;
— padd, added: counting time option for input files;
— padd, added: quality analysis of input files;
— phox, added: consistency deviator analysis with fit option;
— phox, added: more options for resolution function subtraction;
— phox, added: output of DOS covariance matrix;
— phox, fixed: error propagation in moment calculation;
— phox, fixed: resilience value was given three times too low;
— psvl, added: choice of fit function to Debye profile;
— psvl, added: probability distribution function mechanism for Debye sound velocities (R.Morrison et al. PEPI, 2019);
— psth, added: DOS covariance matrix input option;
— psth, added: resolution function input option;
— psth, fixed: propagation of errors from kinetic energy to ln(beta).

A major update of the MINUTI program package was released today: the all new MINUTI-2 with graphical user interface.

— all, added: Tcl/Tk based GUI, app for MacOS;
— all, added: choice of output format;
— seos, added: improved control over fit procedure;
— seos, added: normalized error ellipses;
— seos, added: V-K-K' and rho-v_phi covariance matrix output;
— seos, added: 4th order equations-of-state;
— seos, updated: output options;
— seos, updated: Fisher information matrix;
— seos, updated: prior weighting now considers size of data set;
— seos, fixed: error ellipse for positive correlations was incorrect;
— seos, fixed: f-F plot errors were incorrect for non-BM EOS;
— seos, fixed: fit parm errors were not weighted with chi^2;
— simx, updated: prior weighting now considers size of data set;
— simx, fixed: fit parm errors were not weighted with chi^2.

An intermediate update of the CONUSS program package was released today.

— all, improved: error handling;
— all, fixed: install script error when graphics programs are found in more than one directory;
— all, fixed: xmgrace would report errors and crash;
— all, updated: minor fixes and improvements;
— new, added: module kpnr to calculate electronic and pure nuclear Bragg/Laue reflections;
— new, added: module kvzz to calculate electric field gradient axes from local environment.

A minor update of the PHOENIX program package was released today.

— all, updated: streamlined output extensions, optional csv output format;
— psvl, improved: fit stability;
— pdsp, added: runtime graphics supports re-use of display window.

A minor update of the CONUSS program package was released today.

— all, updated: streamlined output extensions, optional csv output format;
— kfor & kref, added: correlated hf distributions, mixed multipole transitions, theta/phi distributions;
— kfor & kref, fixed: incorrect handling of spin 1/2 excited state;
— kfor, added: reports largest effective thickness values;
— kref, fixed: input file conversion on Linux systems;
— kctl, added: dual fit for sample and sample+reference, fit parameter boundaries, Levenberg-Marquardt damping;
— kmco, added: dual simulation for sample and sample+reference, implementation of multi-core calculations;
— kmco, fixed: handling of named sampling groups, sampling parms defined in in_kfit were ignored;
— kdsp, added: runtime graphics supports re-use of display window.

A minor update of the MINUTI program package was released today.

— seos, fixed: sometimes the spin-transition pressure and width were calculated incorrectly.

An intermediate update of the CONUSS program package was released today.

— all, added: informative protocol and log files;
— all, added: runtime graphics support;
— all, added: manual explaining input and output files;
— kfor & kref, added: extendible database for MB transition parameters;
— kfor & kref, added: more choices for distribution functions;
— kref, updated: simplified input files;
— kfit, fixed: corrected “ag” averaging option left/right inversion;
— new, added: module kfor dedicated to forward scattering and MB spectroscopy with simple input files;
— new, added: module kgin dedicated to grazing incidence scattering formalism.

A minor update of the MINUTI program package was released today.

— seos, added: output files with intermediate fit results (*.csv) and density (*.dns);
— seos, updated: improved content of protocol file;
— seos, fixed: fit parameters with weak influence on the fit quality were sometimes not varied.

A minor update of the PHOENIX program package was released today.

— all, updated: improved runtime graphics;
— all, updated: organization of output files.

A minor update of the PHOENIX program package was released today.

— phox, fixed: entropy calculation was not correct.

A minor update of the MINUTI program package was released today.

— seos, added: calculation of Fisher information matrix to judge fit parameter dependencies;
— seos, added: calculation of specific heat at constant volume;
— seos, added: calculation of temperature derivative of bulk modulus at constant pressure;
— seos, fixed: calculation of the vibrational free energy used incorrect reference temperature;
— seos, fixed: calculation of seismic velocity used incorrect Grueneisen ratio;
— simx, added: calculation of Fisher information matrix to judge fit parameter dependencies.

Finally, the NRIXS website is up and running to allow you to download our software. For news regarding our products, please follow @NRIXS on Twitter.

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